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Data Acquisition & I/O

The Data Acquisition and Control series from Advantech features outside the box DAQ solutions including DAQ boards and cards supporting PCI and ISA bus, USB DAQ modules, Ethernet data acquisition, and analog to digital conversion. These systems can be instrumental to supervisory control, including temperature monitoring, high speed DAQ, and more.
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  1. 48 TTL digital I/O lines
  2. Emulates mode 0 of 8255 PPI
  3. Buffered circuits for higher driving capacity than the 8255
  4. Interrupt handling capability
  5. Timer/Counter interrupt capability
  6. Supports both dry and wet contact
  7. Keeps the I/O port setting and DO state after system reset
  8. BoardID switch


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CIRCUIT BOARD, 96ch TTL Digital I/O Card
  1. Up to 192 (96 + 96) TTL digital I/O lines
  2. Emulates mode 0 of 8255 PPI
  3. Buffered circuits for higher driving capacity than 8255
  4. Multiple-source interrupt handling
  5. Interrupt output pin for simultaneously triggering external devices with the interrupt
  6. Output status read-back
  7. “Pattern match” and “Change of state” interrupt functions for critical I/O monitoring
  8. Keeps I/O setting and digital output values when hot system reset


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CIRCUIT BOARD, 64ch Isolated Digital Input Card
  1. 64 isolated digital input channels
  2. Either ± voltage input for DI by group
  3. High-voltage isolation on input channels (2,500 VDC)
  4. High over-voltage protection (70 VDC)
  5. Wide input range (10 ~ 50 VDC)
  6. 2,000 VDC ESD protection
  7. Interrupt handling capability
  8. High-density 100-pin SCSI connector


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CIRCUIT BOARD, 64ch Isolated Digital I/O Card
  1. Either ± voltage input for DI by group
  2. High-voltage isolation input/output channels (2,500 VDC)
  3. 2,000 VDC ESD protection for DI
  4. High over-voltage protection (70 VDC) for DI
  5. High-sink current on isolated output channels (200 mA max./channel)
  6. Output status readback
  7. Keeps output settings/ values after system hot reset
  8. Interrupt handling capability
  9. High-density 100-pin SCSI connector


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128-ch Isolated Digital Input PCI Card
  1. 64-ch isolated digital output and 64-ch isolated digital input
  2. Interrupt handling capability for each channel.
  3. Digital Filter function.
  4. Wide output range (5 ~ 40 VDC); input range (5 ~ 25 VDC)
  5. High-sink current for isolated output channels (200mA max./Channel)
  6. High ESD protection (2,000 VDC).
  7. Current protection for each port
  8. High-voltage isolation on output channels (2,500 VDC)
  9. Output status read-back


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128-ch Isolated Digital I/O PCI Card
  1. 64-ch isolated digital output and 64-ch isolated digital input
  2. Interrupt handling capability for each channel.
  3. Digital Filter function.
  4. Wide output range (5 ~ 40 VDC); input range (5 ~ 25 VDC)
  5. High-sink current for isolated output channels (200mA max./Channel)
  6. High ESD protection (2,000 VDC).
  7. Current protection for each port
  8. High-voltage isolation on output channels (2,500 VDC)
  9. Output status read-back


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128-ch Isolated Digital Output PCI Card
  1. 64-ch isolated digital output and 64-ch isolated digital input
  2. Interrupt handling capability for each channel.
  3. Digital Filter function.
  4. Wide output range (5 ~ 40 VDC); input range (5 ~ 25 VDC)
  5. High-sink current for isolated output channels (200mA max./Channel)
  6. High ESD protection (2,000 VDC).
  7. Current protection for each port
  8. High-voltage isolation on output channels (2,500 VDC)
  9. Output status read-back


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8-ch, 16-bit Counter/Timer Universal PCI Card
  1. 8 independent 16-bit counters
  2. 8 programmable clock source
  3. 8 digital TTL outputs and 8 digital TTL inputs
  4. Up to 20 MHz input frequency
  5. Multiple counter clock source selectable
  6. Counter output programmable
  7. Counter gate function
  8. Flexible interrupt source select
  9. BoardID™ switch


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IEEE-488.2 Interface Low Profile Universal PCI Card
  1. IEEE 488.2 Standard interface
  2. Complete Talker/Listener/Controller
  3. Industry standard 32-bit PCI bus
  4. Data transfer rates over 1.5 MB/s
  5. 1024-word FIFO buffer
  6. High-Speed State Machine Bus Manager
  7. 7 Interrupt lines, shared interrupt capability
  8. Transparent interrupt enabling/disabling
  9. Includes GPIB-Library software
  10. Low profile MD1 size


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