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Home Software Embedded OS Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server

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WinSQLSvr 2012 STD OLC 5 Clt TW E65-00233
  1. Breakthrough In-memory Performance
  2. Proven, Predictable Performance
  3. High Availability and Disaster Recovery
  4. Enterprise Scalability across Computers, Networking, and Storage
  5. Security and Compliance
  6. Consistent Data Platform On-premises to Cloud
  7. Corporate Business Intelligence
  8. Access Data in Familiar Tools Like Excel


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MS Emb SQLSvr Std 2014 ESD OEI 5Clt P6L-00008_T
  1. Breakthrough In-memory Performance
  2. Proven, Predictable Performance
  3. High Availability and Disaster Recovery
  4. Enterprise Scalability across Computers, Networking, and Storage
  5. Security and Compliance
  6. Consistent Data Platform On-premises to Cloud
  7. Corporate Business Intelligence
  8. Access Data in Familiar Tools Like Excel


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