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Advantech APAX-5000 backplane modules are designed to connect APAX modules in a flexible and convenient way. The APAX backplane modules, APAX-5001 and APAX-5002, are in accordance with 1-slot and 2-slot backplanes for different connecting requirements. Furthermore, APAX-5002 is equipped with an RJ-45 port which can support flexible remote control architectures.
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2-slot Backplane Module
  1. Two slots for two APAX-5000 modules
  2. With built-in expansion ports, two APAX-5002 backplanes can be connected to form a remote expansion
  3. Supports both DIN-rail and wall mounting
  4. Hot swap mechanism for all APAX I/O modules
  5. 30G shock resistance and 2Grms vibration resistance


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